Mean Blues” by Floyd Lee is a soulful blues track that captures the essence of heartache and despair.

The song features powerful vocals by Floyd Lee, accompanied by Joel Poluck on guitar, Brad Vickers on bass, Mike Fox on drums, and George Papageorge on the B3 organ.

The lyrics express deep sorrow and the struggle to cope with a broken heart.





Mean blues feel this is the end for me
Mean blues feel this is the end for me
Cruel world pullin’ me down
Is making it hard tomorrow to see

Three days I haven’t heard from my girl
I know somethin’ is wrong
Three days I haven’t heard from my girl
I know somethin’ is wrong
She left me for another
there’s a hole now where my heart belongs





Song & Video Info


Vocalist 🎤: Floyd Lee

Album: “Mean Blues”
Released: September 2001

“Mean Blues” is an album by Floyd Lee, released in 2001.

The album features a collection of soulful blues tracks that showcase Floyd Lee’s powerful vocals and the band’s exceptional musicianship.

Mean Blues” is also a track of the album that was recorded at Junkroom Studios in New York City in August and September 2001.

Floyd Lee is accompanied by Joel Poluck on guitar, Brad Vickers on bass, Mike Fox on drums, and George Papageorge on the B3 organ.


Movie 🎬: David Gandy – FreeSoul A/W Campaign (2009)

Actors:📌David Gandy
                📌Cameron Russell

David Gandy was featured in the FreeSoul Autumn/Winter 2009-2010 campaign alongside Cameron Russell.

The campaign was photographed by Yu Tsai and showcased the brand’s stylish and edgy fashion for the season.



  1. Your insane admirer on You And I

    Wher are u

  2. Your insane admirer on You And I

    Where are u

  3. De très belles vidéos bien construites, montées avec intelligence et brio où la musique et l’image s’harmonisent en une synchronisation…


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